School Management Software


Best School Management Software (ERP)

Our School ERP is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline and automate various administrative, academic, and operational processes within educational institutions. It provides a centralized platform for efficient management of student information, staff records, academic activities, communication, and more.

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Best School Management Software (ERP) Best School Management Software (ERP) Best School Management Software (ERP) Best School Management Software (ERP)

Software Features

Admin Panel

Admin Panel

Teacher Panel

Teacher Panel

Student Panel

Student Panel

Parents Panel

Parents Panel

Best School Management with Online Classes

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Best School Management with Online Classes
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TecPhygit - School Management Solutions TecPhygit - School Management Solutions

TecPhygit - School Management Solutions

Attendance Management
Exam Management
Fee Management
Notice Board
Online Classes
Library management
Accounts/ Invoice Management
Transport Management

Our Features

Best Insurance Management Software with Best Features

Comprehensive Dashboard

User Role Management

Administration Management

Fees Management

Student Panel

Parent Panel

Teacher Panle

Library Management

Study Material

Online Exam



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Key features of our School ERP include

Our School ERP is designed to enhance operational efficiency, improve communication, and support effective management of educational institutions. It caters to the needs of schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations, enabling them to provide a seamless and holistic learning experience for students, teachers, and parents.

Who can use

School ERP

School ERP can be used by various educational institutions, including:


From pre-schools to K-12 schools, both public and private, School ERP can be used to streamline administrative tasks, manage student information, and improve communication with parents.

Colleges and Universities:

 Higher education institutions can benefit from School ERP to manage student admissions, enrollment, course registrations, academic records, and communication with students and faculty.

Training Institutes:

Institutes offering specialized training programs or vocational courses can utilize School ERP to manage student registrations, course schedules, attendance tracking, and performance evaluations.

Online Learning Platforms:

 Schools or organizations offering online learning programs can utilize School ERP to manage virtual classrooms, course content, assessments, and online collaboration among students and teachers.

Education Consultancies:

 Educational consultancies that provide counseling and guidance services to students can use School ERP to manage student profiles, track counseling sessions, and communicate with students and parents.

Language Institutes:

 Institutes providing language learning programs can leverage School ERP to manage student registrations, class schedules, attendance, and track individual learning progress.

Specialized Schools:

 Specialized schools such as music schools, art schools, or sports academies can utilize School ERP to manage student enrollments, class schedules, progress tracking, and communication with parents.


Specialized Schools:

 Specialized schools such as music schools, art schools, or sports academies can utilize School ERP to manage student enrollments, class schedules, progress tracking, and communication with parents.


Schoom Management

TecPhygit School ERP

There are a plethora of educational institutions who’ve got hundreds of lakhs of students enrolled in them. Educationists are always looking for ways to manage and efficiently take care of various activities related to their institutions.

This is where the TecPhygit ERP system steps in which helps take care of intricate and other essential functions needed to run an educational institution like a well-oiled machine.

TecPhygit ERP management software integrates all possible features and functionalities to help modern-day educational setups leverage the power of technology.

TecPhygit School ERP is a software that performs a variety of activities such as data collection and management, attendance management, fee management, automated communication updates, e-learning management, and others. school activities.

TecPhygit School ERP, the best-in-class School Management Software, specifically designed and developed to simplify the process of educational institutions to meet all their emerging technological and administrative requirements. Here are the core and essential modules that shape Schooberry’s outmost efficiency.

Reasons to choose TecPhygit School ERP

We provide fully autonomus data base managment system for the school. We also provide free school website designing and hosting.

  • Cover all school features
  • User friendly graphics interface
  • Economic price in the market
  • No manual error happen
  • Software can be customize as per requirement
  • Experienced technical support team
  • Untouched face detector for attendance
  • Smart SMS alarming system
  • Fully online assignment and clasess
  • Cloud based migration and zero down time


Advantages and benefits for school

  • Improvement in school productivity
  • Effective action on procedures
  • Tracking of student and parents data
  • Cost and time management
  • Transparency working culture
  • Application available 24 X 7 for working
  • To create better bonding between teacher & student
  • Easy to communicate between staff parents and student
  • Great dashboard to look at a glance for all module.


Advantages and benefits for Parents

  • Increase involvement of parents in ward’s education Parents can feel
  • transparency in the school
  • Parents and teacher interaction increase
  • Monitor the wads attendance, fee and exam schedule
  • To increase participation of parents in the school event
  • Online exam, transport and admission fee paid via App


Our Essential Module For Your School

  1. Online Admissions: This aids in digitalizing the entire admission process of students. It automatically reads and saves all the records of the students with zero inconveniences.
  2. HRMS: The school ERP software consists of HRMS modules for workforce management. Starting from enrolment of a single employee to his discharge all record and tracking available inside this module.
  3. Financial Management: The financial management module of TecPhygit school ERP software helps supervise the cash flow, accounting, and other financial work of the school.
  4. Academics: This software encompasses all the school-related activities such as attendance, school calendar, time-table, student promotion, exam, exam feedback and tracking etc.
  5. Reception Management: The door of entry is reception TecPhygit provide complete solution and give power to receptionist to manage school day to day task over one desk and e-information stored for the record
  6. Inventory Management: Institute can manage all their assets online over one module, tracking of outside assets with qr code is also available if you send your any assets for repair.
  7. Hostel Management: TecPhygit manages hostel records like room creation, room allotment, book in and out records. It provides mess and guest room management along with fee structure design.
  8. Transport Module : This module provides complete management of vehicle, route , fuel and fee management of vehicle and provides live vehicle tracking facility for parents and admin.
  9. ID & Certificate module: This module provides a complete solution of id card generation of staff and students with unique qr code. Admin can design all the certificates and generate online like no due, character and TC etc.
  10. Library Management: TecPhygit ERP provide tracking and issuing of books online along with past records.
  11. Alumni Management: This is an optional module for the institute, we help in managing all the old records for any events and any data modeling.

We Always Try To Understand Users Expectation

Enquire now for demo

Contact us today for DEMO  to learn more about how our School ERP can transform your educational institution and streamline your administrative processes.

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